Biodiversity Action Plan

Corsham Town Council have been working with ecologists at Johns Associates to produce a Biodiversity Action Plan for the land in the town that it manages.
The Plan had been commissioned in order to provide the Town Council with guidance on how to manage its open spaces for the benefit of wildlife / nature recovery, whilst retaining the amenity function of the land. The Plan includes proposals for all the sites that the Town Council manages including recreation grounds, woodland, conservation areas, cemeteries, allotments and other areas. It also includes more general advice on looking after different types of habitat such as woodland, grasslands or ponds.
The document includes a number of suggested wildlife enhancements such as wildflower strips, reptile hibernacula, bat boxes, bird boxes, bug hotels, dormice boxes, butterfly glades, drought resistant rockeries, tree & shrub planting, pond creation, hedgerow planting, a community orchard and possibly community beehives. In the coming few months, the Town Council will give consideration to the resources needed to deliver these enhancements, but it is likely that we will look to the community to see if we can employ volunteers to help us with tasks such as wildflower management, trees planting, pond creation etc.
If you are interested in getting involved in projects to help Biodiversity in our area, please contact
The full Biodiversity Action Plan, including site specific proposals can be viewed here: