- Tree planting and wildflower meadow management and maintenance.
We started the year by planting 18 new trees and sowing a wildflower area at Beechfield Nature Area on 15th January 2022. This was carried out by Corsham Town Council (CTC) staff and volunteers who had signed up to the Corsham Nature Conservation volunteer group. Throughout the year CTC has called upon these volunteers to help plant more trees and maintain wildflower areas by helping to rake up arisings after wildflower areas had been cut by the grounds team to prevent mulching. Thank you to our volunteers for giving up their time to improve the biodiversity of Corsham. We hope to have more projects to get involved with in the New Year.

- Developed and published the Climate Change Action Plan 2022- 2030.
This working document sets out what CTC is doing to reduce the impact of climate change on our community through reducing carbon emissions, improving biodiversity, building resilience to extreme weather, reducing fuel poverty and supporting a greener economy. The document explains the roles, opportunities and drivers for Town Council-led action and sets out the benefits for local people and places.

- Calculated Corsham Town Council’s carbon footprint for April 2021 to March 2022.
CTC has committed to calculating and reporting its carbon footprint annually. The Carbon Footprint Appraisal for 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022, found that CTC had reduced its carbon footprint by 43% to 21.98 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent since the baseline year.

- Corsham Eco Fair.
On Saturday 2nd April 2022, CTC held the first ever, Eco Fair in partnership with Corsham Climate Action (CCA). The aim of the Eco Fair was to showcase the environmental action taking place in Corsham through the eco-friendly businesses, community groups and organisations operating in the town. The fair focused on encouraging people to make easy, low cost, sustainable lifestyle changes by using the organisations and businesses that are operating in and around Corsham. There were stalls in the High Street and stalls at the Springfield campus which incorporated Corsham’s recycling hub and children’s activities were held at the Pound Arts Centre to get families involved in the fun.
On the evening, the Pound held an evening of inspirational talks titled ‘No one is too small to make a difference’. Talks covered a wide range of topics incorporating science, nature, art and economics giving the audience a chance to reflect on how they can make sustainable changes to their own life. The whole day was full of interesting conversations that focused on the small changes we can all make to save the planet from the climate crisis. The next Corsham Eco Fair will be held on Saturday 22nd April 2023. CTC, CCA and The Pound are already planning next year’s event.
- Go Wild in Corsham!
On Saturday 9th April 2022, CTC and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust held a nature activity day at Beechfield Nature Area. This event gave children aged 5-11 years old the opportunity to take part in pond dipping, building bug hotels and a scavenger hunt. The aim of this event was to encourage children to get outside and enjoy our local, natural environment. We had very positive feedback from both children and parents and hope to hold a similar event in 2023.

- Creation of Corsham Community Garden.
CCA have created a community garden at the Pound Arts Centre with funding from Corsham Area Board, CTC, and Corsham Co-op, working in partnership with Pound Arts. The objective of the community garden is to create a space where the community can come together in a creative, educational environment, reconnecting with the land and production of food in a safe and well managed context.

- Energy Saving Event.
On Saturday 22nd October, CCA and CTC held an energy saving event at the Town Hall. The aim of the event was to provide local residents with advice and information on how they could improve the energy efficiency of their homes to reduce their energy bills. Exhibitors included Warm and Safe Wiltshire, Centre for Sustainable Energy, Bath and West Community Energy and architects and suppliers specialising in energy efficiency appliances and upgrades. The event was really well attended and CCA plan to hold a similar event at Springfield Campus in the New Year.

- Energy Audit of CTC owned buildings.
Energy consultants, CO2 Target, have carried out energy audits on the Town Hall, Arnold House and the Guide Hut (grounds team workshop). We expect to receive the report in December which will provide CTC with recommendations on how to decarbonise our buildings and improve energy efficiency.

- Biodiversity Action Plan 2022.
John’s associates have been commissioned to create a Biodiveristy Action Plan for all the parks and green spaces that CTC manage. This document will enable the town council to manage its green spaces in the most efficient way to improve and enhance biodiversity. John’s Associates have now carried out site visits and surveys. It has been agreed that the document will be completed by the end of 2022.

- Sustainable Procurement and Investment policy.
CTC has developed a sustainable procurement and investment policy for its own operations. This policy places a clear focus on sustainability and our environmental impact on everything we purchase. CTC recognises that improving our procurement performance is an ongoing process. It will take time to become fully sustainable and will require working in partnership with all our suppliers and contractors.

- Continued success of the Corsham Recycling Hub.
Over the last 12 months, the Hub has raised a grand total of £1,946.98 for charity and 1,724 large bin bags’ worth of waste has been recycled instead of being buried in landfill or incinerated.
• 1,262 pairs of spectacles have been collected for the Lions’ Recycle for Sight campaign for reuse in developing countries
• 153,480 (approx.) medicine blister packets have been recycled and £306.96 raised for Marie Curie
• 2,146 inkjet cartridges have been collected to be refilled and reused
• 108 kgs of oral care packaging has been recycled
• 10,837 (approx.) pens have been recycled and £108.37 raised for Queensway Chapel Nursery
• £1,531.65 has been raised, via Recycle for Wiltshire Air Ambulance, from recycled confectionery, biscuit, oral care, make-up, bread bag, Pringles, Babybel and Ferrero Rocher packaging!
The number of people using the Recycling Hub continues to increase, with recycling coming from Corsham residents as well as from further afield. Several nearby Town and Parish Councils have asked for information about setting up their own bins and Hubs, and the hub has even had a visit from Corsham Primary’s Eco Councillors!