
Corsham Town Council runs its own Grants Scheme awarding sums of money, up to a maximum of £750*, to community organisations working to benefit residents by improving the range of activities and services within Corsham (In exceptional circumstances, such as large capital projects, grants of over £750 can be awarded but the Town Council must be notified of such requests by September so that funds can be earmarked in the following year’s budget.).

Grants over £750 and up to £2,000 for projects for young people and older/vulnerable people will also be considered.

Examples of the types of organisations that might be covered include local charities, pre-school playgroups and youth groups, sports clubs, arts groups and advice organisations. Priority will be given to grants that help to fulfil the aims and objectives of the Town Council’s current Strategic Plan.

Grants can be awarded to new, as well as existing organisations, and there are no restrictions on whether the funds are for a capital or revenue project, but the organisation applying for a grant must be not-for-profit or charitable and grants will not be made to individuals. Grants would not normally exceed 50% of the cost of the project either.

Each application for £750 is considered on its own merit at the Town Council’s Finance and Administration Committee’s meetings which take place in February, April, June, August, October and December. Grants for £751-£2,000 are considerd by the Community Services Committee at their meetings in May, July, September, November, January and March. The Calendar of Meetings will have the exact dates. Please note that an application needs to be with the Town Council at least seven days before the meeting to ensure it is added to the agenda. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting at which their grant application is being considered in order to answer questions and provide clarification of any aspects of their funding request.

All the information you require is included on the application form. If you have any further enquiries or need help completing the form, then please contact David Martin, Chief Executive, or Maxine Jones, Head of Finance and Administration, at the Town Hall who will be happy to help.

Grant Application Form

Grant Policy

Even if we cannot fund you, there may be other ways we can help and support, so always get in touch.

Other Grant Schemes

There are many grant funding organisations and schemes that may be able to help with projects. The following have supported projects in Corsham and the local area.

Corsham Area Board, made up of the four Wiltshire Councillors who represent the Corsham Community Area (Box, Colerne, Corsham and Lacock), has its own grants scheme, which is split into three funding streams: Community, Youth and Health and Wellbeing. You can find out more, and make an application, via the Area Boards section on the Wiltshire Council website.

Community First is a charity that has supported people and places across Wiltshire and Swindon for over 50 years and offers grants and funding. It administers the Landfill Communities Fund and the Wiltshire Community Transport Development Fund.

Co-Op Local Community Fund supports projects across the UK that its customers care about. New causes are chosen every year, with applications open each spring for eligible groups.

Sport England has a number of grant schemes available, and great information on alternative sources of funding such as Gift Aid and crowdfunding.

Arts Council England wants to transform places with creativity and culture via their open funds

The National Lottery currently has 39 grant schemes available, supporting projects in the arts, sport, heritage, charity, voluntary, health, education and environmental sectors. Use their Funding Finder to find the right grant for your project.