Reporting and Advice
Corsham Town Council is responsible for most things specific to the parish, for example:
Play Areas (Dicketts Road, Gastard, Meriton Avenue, Neston, Springfield, Westwells)
Information on these, and other Town Council responsibilities, can be found here on the website. If you need to report a problem or want advice on any element of our work, please call us on 01249 702130 or email
The Town Council is also consulted on planning and development, but Wiltshire Council is the planning authority.
Wiltshire Council is responsible for most things that occur across the whole county but if you are in any doubt who best to contact, please do call us on 01249 702130 or email and we will be happy to advise.
To report an issue, such as potholes, blocked gullies, street lighting, fly tipping, dog mess and graffiti, you can use Wiltshire Council’s MyWilts online reporting app. Once registered, users receive automatic updates on their case, and using the app allows Wiltshire Council to keep track of specific issues.
Information about how to request a highway improvement or a waiting restriction (such as double yellow lines) can be found here.
You can also find information on, and contact Wiltshire Council direct about, a number of their services via their website. Contact information for the most requested as follows:
Blue Badges: 01225 713002
Bus Passes: 0300 456 0100
Corsham Market:
Council Tax: 0300 456 0109
Dog Warden: 01249 706565
Elections: 0300 456 0112
Housing: 0300 456 0104
Homelessness: 0300 456 0106
Highways, Potholes & Pavements: 0300 456 0105
Parking Services: 01249 706131
Planning: 0300 456 0114
Public Protection (Environmental Health): 0300 456 0107
Registration Service(births and deaths): 0300 003 4569
Registration Service (ceremonies and other enquiries): 0300 003 4570
Rubbish and Recycling: 0300 456 0102 (You can go online to check your bin collection dates and download a waste collection calendar)
For other enquiries, contact Wiltshire Council Customer Services on 0300 456 0100.